Thursday, June 18, 2009


I need to tell you all about a wonderful project I have discovered recently. It is a non profit organization called SCORE, and they help people like us start or build businesses. These are retired, successful business people that want to help you MAKE IT. whether it be a small start up, or you have growing pains, they give you all the information you need to do whats right, and steer clear of common business mistakes. All you have to do is call you local chapter, they are all over the US. Make an appointment and ask all the questions you want. It is totally FREE. Free people! they even gave me Quickbooks! FREE! It is amazing.
Here's a link for you:
Call them- you have NOTHING to lose! they even do free online counseling for any questions you may have.
Good Luck Fellow artists!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm at karate today for the first time in a month I think. Jewelry keeps me at home too much sometimes....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This is what kept me away.

I've been too busy to blog

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
I guess in some ways good, some ways bad. I did a good amount of commisions...I did a couple of shows, made a couple sales on Etsy, thats a good thing.
My studio is a mess. thats a bad thing.
My laundry is sitting on the couch. Hey, at least its CLEAN laundry, and its folded.
There is food in my fridge, and its not old moldy food.
The dishes are clean, thats good too.
Have not sat at the bench yet today. Thats bad.
I did go to SCORE though, they are amazing. Everyone who is self employed needs to look into SCORE.
I'll try to blog more.

About Me

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I am currently working independently fulltime at home. I work for other jewelers, and for myself. I also work hard to take good care of my family, young and old. I love to cook, I love to sight see and explore new places and things. I love to try new things.